Friday, February 25, 2011

Creating a Personal Logo

Creating a logo was very difficult!  For some reason, I had an idea in my head that it would all be computer generated, rather than starting from scratch in a sketchbook.  I think it was especially hard to create one for myself because it is hard to define yourself in just one image.  It would probably have been easier to create a logo for a company, but I enjoyed the challenge!

I started off by thinking about what kind of message I wanted to convey about myself.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, I identify with trees because they reflect my upbringing.  Also, I consider myself an environmentalist and it is something I try to practice in my daily life, so I thought incorporating a tree into my design would be ideal. 

I started out with some sketches (see above) and then figured out which worked best and what elements I liked or could work on for the final logo design.

Here is the finished product:

I am very happy with it and proud of myself for getting out of my comfort zone with this project! 

The most important discovery I made in the creation of the logo was about myself - this project gave me a chance to reflect on what is important to me and how I can present this to others.  I also learned more about my style of creativity and my own personal creative process.

However, all of the given resources also provided valuable information.  I really enjoyed the Design and Logo Development reading material from DIY Lupton.  It went over the basics of design and I found the information on different types of fonts and how they can be perceived to be very useful.  I also liked that it showed many different ideas for the "Going Public" logo.

I also thought the videos were great because it familiarized me with the entire process of logo designing and product designing with the use of in depth, real life examples.

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